@article{oai:nied-repo.bosai.go.jp:00002201, author = {長井 雅史 and 小園 誠史 and 中田 節也 and 小林 哲夫 and 金子 隆之 and 藤田 英輔 and 武尾 実}, issue = {374}, journal = {防災科学技術研究所 研究資料}, month = {Mar}, note = {防災科学技術研究所によって霧島山西麓で掘削された深度約200.5 m の万膳火山観測井のコア試料は5枚程度の厚い輝石安山岩質溶岩流が主体をなしている.最上位の溶岩流はえびの岳火山に,深度175.1-177.9 m の溶岩流についてはホルンブレンドをごく少量含む岩石学的特徴から栗野岳火山に属する可能性がある.溶岩流の間に挟まる火砕岩は変質している場合が多いため詳細は不明瞭であるが,大部分が溶岩流のクリンカーに相当する自破砕部や二次的な土石流(火山泥流)堆積物からなると思われる.ただし深度115.3?120.0 m の凝灰角礫岩は火砕流堆積物の可能性がある.霧島山東麓で掘削された深度約200.5 m の夷守台火山観測井コア試料では地表から深度約19.0 m までは主に土壌層と降下テフラ層の互層からなり,未記載の火山灰層を含む最近約2 万5000 年間のテフラ層が確認できる.深度約19.0 m 以深では7 枚程度の厚い輝石安山岩質溶岩流が主体をなしており,その間に変質した火砕岩が挟まっている.少なくとも最上位の溶岩流については丸岡山火山の噴出物に対比されると思われる.火砕岩は万膳コアと同じく大部分が溶岩流の自破砕部や土石流堆積物からなると思われる.ただし深度101.8-102.1 m の凝灰角礫岩は火砕流堆積物の可能性がある., NIED drilled two 200.5 m-deep observation wells at Kirishima volcano. Based on lithologic characteristics, the borehole core from the Manzen observation well located on the western flank of the Kirishima volcano is composed mainly of five thick pyroxene-andesite lava flows and contains intercalated hydrothermal altered pyroclastic rocks.The shallowest lava flow is correlated with products of Mt. Ebinodake volcano that are distributed on the surface around the drilling site. The lava flow at 175.1 to 177.9 m depth is correlated with products of Mt. Kurinodake volcano since it contains a small amount of hornblende crystal that is rare in this volcano group. The pyroclastic rocks mainly consist of debris flow deposits and/or the autoclastic part of lava flows. The breccia at 115.3 to 120.0 m depth is likely to be a pyroclastic flow deposit, however. Similar to the above borehole, the core from the Hinamoridai observation well located on the eastern flank of the Kirishima volcano is composed mainly of seven thick pyroxene-andesite lava flows and contains intercalated hydrothermally altered pyroclastic rocks mainly consisting of the autoclastic part of lava flows and/or debris flow deposits. The breccia at 101.8 to 102.1 m depth is likely to be a pyroclastic flow deposit. The shallow most lava flow is correlated with products of Mt. Maruokayama volcano that are distributed on the surface around the drilling site. Noticeably different from the Manzen site, The part shallower than 19.0 m consists of thick alternarting beds of air fall tephra and buried soil deposited during the past about 25,000 years, including undescribed volcanic ash layers., 付録:CD-ROM1巻}, pages = {1--51}, title = {霧島山万膳および夷守台火山観測井コア試料の岩相記載}, year = {2013}, yomi = {ナガイ マサシ and コゾノ トモフミ and ナカダ セツヤ and コバヤシ テツオ and カネコ タカユキ and フジタ エイスケ and タケオ ミノル} }