@article{oai:nied-repo.bosai.go.jp:00002244, author = {本吉 弘岐}, issue = {428}, journal = {防災科学技術研究所研究資料}, month = {Feb}, note = {本報告は,2017/18 冬期の雪氷防災研究センターにおける冬の降積雪観測並びに積雪断面観測結果 をまとめたものである.毎日の観測項目は天気,積雪深(HS),積雪相当水量(HSW),新積雪新(HN), 積算新積雪深(CHN),新積雪の相当水量(DNW)および新積雪の密度(RHO)である.また,おおよそ 1 週間おきの積雪断面観測では,天気,気温および雪の層構造と積雪の深さ毎の雪温(T),雪質( F),雪 粒の大きさ(D),密度(ρ),高度(PR),重量含水率(θ),および積雪の相当水量(HSW),積雪の全層平 均密度(ρa)の観測・測定を行った. This report describes meteorological data and snow cover observation results at the Snow and Ice Research Center (SIRC) during the 2017/18 winter season. The daily data include the following elements: weather condition, snow depth (HS), snow water equivalent (HSW), depth of newly fallen snow (HN), cumulative depth of newly fallen snow (CHN), water equivalent of newly fallen snow (DNW) and density of newly fallen snow (RHO) at the observation site. Snow pit observations of physical properties of snow cover were carried out about every week. The elements of these observations are as follows: weather condition and air temperature, snow depth (HS), snow temperature (T), grain shape (F), grain size (D), hardness of snow (PR), snow density (ρ), snow water equivalent (HSW) and water content of snow (θ).}, pages = {1--29}, title = {長岡における積雪観測資料(40)(2017/18 冬期)}, year = {2019}, yomi = {モトヨシ ヒロキ} }