@article{oai:nied-repo.bosai.go.jp:00002273, author = {大塚 理加}, issue = {452}, journal = {防災科学技術研究所研究資料}, month = {Feb}, note = {令和元年台風15号は千葉県に甚大な被害をもたらした.本調査は,令和元年台風15号の高齢者への影響を把握するために,千葉県の高齢者入居施設と地域包括支援センターを対象とした質問紙調査を行った.その結果,高齢者入居施設では,ライフライン被害を6割強の施設で受けていた.また,約2 割の施設で,入居者の体調の悪化がみられた.地域包括支援センターの調査では,被災により在宅生活を継続できなくなった高齢者の報告は,4分の1の地域包括からなされ,支援体制の構築が必要であることが示された., Typhoon No.15 (Faxai) caused significant damage to Chiba Prefecture. This paper reports on a questionnaire survey we conducted of nursing homes and Community Comprehensive Support Centers in Chiba Prefecture with the aim of acquiring a better understanding of the impact of this disaster on the elderly. Our results showed more than 60% of the essential infrastructure supplying nursing homes for the elderly to have been damaged. In addition, in about 20% of nursing homes, the residents suffered a deterioration of their physical condition. In our survey, one-quarter of Community Comprehensive Support Centers reported that some older people in their community could no longer continue to live at home. We therefore need to put a system in place to support the elderly in the community.}, pages = {1--83}, title = {令和元年台風15号千葉県における高齢者被災状況調査報告}, year = {2021}, yomi = {オオツカ リカ} }