@article{oai:nied-repo.bosai.go.jp:00002287, author = {大角 恒雄 and 内山 庄一郎}, issue = {467}, journal = {防災科学技術研究所研究資料}, month = {Dec}, note = {日向灘地震 (M7.6,1662.9.20) では,宮崎市南部の集落を波高 5 m 程度の津波が襲い,20 名以上の死者を出したといわれている.外所(とんところ)が埋没したため,この地震は“とんところ地震”とも呼 ばれている.何故,プレート問地震では沈み込みが起きるかを紹介する.この地震による被害を忘れないようにとの思いから,当時から 50 年毎に外所地震忌供養碑が建てられ,この石碑の判読が困難な 個所が多いので SfM (Structure from motion) を用いた三次元モデルの生成技術を適用し,立体技術の碑 文判読を試みた.また,記載されている内容は石碑が外所村にあった浄土真宗の宗祖である親鷺の祖となる中国唐からの教えが碑文にしたためられている.その碑文の内容を親鷺の教えに遡り,犠牲者 への供養に解釈を試みた.さらに,古地図,古文書に関する解釈もいくつかの書籍で述べられているが,再検討を行い,新たな知見を模索した., In the 1662 Hyuganada earthquake (M7.6), a tsunami with height of about 5m attacked a village in southern Miyazaki-city. The tsunami caused devastating damage to the area, killing about 20 people. As the village submerged by the tsunami is Tontokoro, this earthquake is also called the Tontokoro earthquake. This paper describes why subduction occurs during inter-plate earthquake events. After the occurrence of the earthquake, stone monuments have been built in Tontokoro village every 50 years to remember the damage caused by the earthquake. However, it is difficult to decipher the inscription on the stone monuments because the severe weathering they have suffered, we applied the 3D model creation technology using SfM (Structure from motion) to try to read the inscription of the 3D technology. In addition, teaching from the Tang Dynasty of China, which is the origin of Shinran (the founder of Jodo Shinshu Sect), was included in epitaph on the stone monument in Tontokoro village. Dating back to the teachings of Shinran, we tried to interpret the contents of the inscription to pay respect to the casualties. Furthermore, the interpretation of ancient maps and documents is given in various literatures, but we reexamined it and explored new knowledge.}, pages = {1--37}, title = {1662年日向灘地震における供養碑及び歴史的資産に関する研究}, year = {2021}, yomi = {オオスミ ツネオ and ウチヤマ ショウイチロウ} }