@article{oai:nied-repo.bosai.go.jp:00002300, author = {松川 杏寧 and 大塚 理加}, issue = {481}, journal = {防災科学技術研究所研究資料}, month = {Aug}, note = {本調査の目的は,基礎自治体の福祉部署の視点から,福祉部署が各自治体の防災対策・災害対応にどのように関わっているのかを明らかにすることを目的として実施した.1,741 の基礎自治体の福祉部署を対象に郵送調査を行った.その結果,平時からの防災計画およびBCP 策定への主体的な関与や,災害時の受援体制構築といった防災対策上の課題が見られた.また,新型コロナウイルス感染症蔓延による業務体制への影響も大きいことが分かった.直近5 年以内の被災経験自治体での災害対応に対する自己評価は高いとは言えず,上記の課題を解決し,福祉部署に求められる要配慮者対応力の向上が今後求められることがうかがえる調査結果となった. The purpose of this study was to clarify how welfare departments are involved in disaster prevention and response in each local municipality from the viewpoint of welfare departments. The results showed issues related to disaster preparedness, such as proactive involvement in formulating disaster prevention plans and BCPs during normal times and establishing a support system in the event of a disaster. In addition, it was found that the COVID-19 pandemic had a significant impact on the work system. The survey results suggest that municipalities that have experienced a disaster within the past five years do not have a high self-evaluation of their disaster response and that they will be required to resolve the above issues and improve their ability to respond to people with special needs in their welfare departments.}, pages = {1--79}, title = {全国基礎自治体を対象とした「福祉部署から見た防災対策・災害対応調査」報告書}, year = {2022}, yomi = {マツカワ アンナ and オオツカ リカ} }