@misc{oai:nied-repo.bosai.go.jp:00006033, month = {}, note = {Supplementary dataset for a paper "Ultra-broadband seismic and tsunami wave observation of high-sampling ocean-bottom pressure gauge covering periods from seconds to hours" published in Earth and Space Science by T. Kubota, T. Saito, N. Y. Chikasada, and W. Suzuki. This file includes the tilt record at the coastal tiltmeter SAMH during the 2010 Chile earthquake, which is maintained by the National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience (NIED). The files are in SAC format and time zone of the record is UTC., contact information : kubotatsu@bosai.go.jp, メタデータ作成 2020/08/19}, title = {Supplementary dataset for "Ultra-broadband seismic and tsunami wave observation of high-sampling ocean-bottom pressure gauge covering periods from seconds to hours"}, year = {2020} }