@misc{oai:nied-repo.bosai.go.jp:00006034, author = {ヤノ, トモコ エリザベス and YANO, Tomoko Elizabeth and 武田, 哲也 and TAKADA, Tetsuya and 松原, 誠 and MATSUBARA, Makoto and 汐見, 勝彦}, month = {}, note = {Hi-netによる震源カタログを基本とし、 Hi-net観測点および他の研究機関の観測点で観測された地震波形データの波形相関を用いた Double-Difference法により再決定した震源カタログを構築しました。 この方法を用いる事により、相対的に高精度な震源位置を求める事ができました。このカタログの詳細については以下の論文に書かれています。 Yano TE, Takeda T, Matsubara M, Shiomi K (2017) Japan Unified hIgh-resolution relocated catalog for earthquakes (JUICE): Crustal seismicity beneath the Japanese Islands. Tectonophysics 702:19-28. doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2017.02.017 また、 以下のリンクからダウンロードができます。 https://www.hinet.bosai.go.jp/topics/JUICE/, JUICE project has launched in 2013. It is about time to revisit their precise earthquake locations because micro-earthquake records had been accumulating more than 10 years by Hi-net. With these vast data from Hi-net and even more data from other organizations, we relocated microseismic events by Double-Difference earthquake relocation method using both data, phase picks and cross-correlation of waveforms, to build this JUICE catalog. This catalog made possible for listing the precise relative earthquake locations in Japan.Details of this catalog are now available in this article, Yano TE, Takeda T, Matsubara M, Shiomi K (2017) Japan Unified hIgh-resolution relocated catalog for earthquakes (JUICE): Crustal seismicity beneath the Japanese Islands. Tectonophysics 702:19-28. doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2017.02.017 This catalog is available at https://www.hinet.bosai.go.jp/topics/JUICE/?LANG=en, contact t.yano@bosai.go.jp hinet-admin@bosai.go.jp, 2020/10/01 メタデータ作成 2022/03/24 メタデータ公開}, title = {日本全国高分解能再決定震源カタログ}, year = {2020}, yomi = {ヤノ, トモコ エリザベス and タケダ, テツヤ and マツバラ, マコト and シオミ, カツヒコ} }