@article{oai:nied-repo.bosai.go.jp:00006325, author = {小野, 貴之 and 下瀬, 健一 and 三隅, 良平}, issue = {88}, journal = {防災科学技術研究所 研究報告, Report of the National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience}, month = {Jun}, note = {近年,地球温暖化等の影響により,日本各地において局地的大雨の激甚化および高頻度化が進んでおり,これに伴って低内地等の地表面に雨水が貯留する内水氾濫が多発している.東京都では,都市化に伴う雨水の貯留および浸透能力が懸念されており,時間雨量 50 ~ 75 mm の降雨に対応できるような下水道整備を推進しているが,毎年のように内水氾濫による浸水が発生している.本研究では,都市部における内水氾濫発生の可能性をレーダによる推定雨量を用いて予測することを目的として,浸水実績を用いてレーダ雨量の検証を行った.60 分間以下の積算雨量および半減期 90 分以下の実効雨量と内水氾濫発生の関係性について調査した結果,10 分という短時間の積算雨量を監視することで,都市における内水氾濫の発生を予測できる可能性が示された., In recent years, climate change (e.g., global warming) has increased the severity and frequency of localized heavy rainfall events in various regions of Japan. As a result, internal flooding, in which rainwater accumulates on the ground surface in low-lying areas, has been occurring frequently. In Tokyo, there is concern about the storage and infiltration capacity of rainwater due to urbanization. Therefore, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government has been promoting the construction of a sewerage system that can drain rainfalls of 50-75 mm h-1, however, internal flooding has been occurring every year. In this study, to forecast risk from internal flooding in urban areas using radar rainfall estimates, we verified radar rainfall estimates based on inundation records. A relationship between accumulated rainfall of 60 min or less and effective rainfall with a half-life of 90 min or less with the occurrence of internal flooding indicates that monitoring the accumulated rainfall for the short time period of 10 min might be a useful method for forecasting internal flooding risks in an urban area.}, pages = {1--14}, title = {レーダ雨量を用いた内水氾濫危険度予測のための浸水実績に基づく検証}, year = {2023} }