@article{oai:nied-repo.bosai.go.jp:00006430, author = {千葉, 洋平 and 永松, 伸吾 and NAGAMATSU, Shingo and 細坪, 信二}, issue = {88}, journal = {防災科学技術研究所 研究報告, Report of the National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience}, month = {Mar}, note = {本稿では,国内の中小企業による事業継続の取り組みの促進に向けて,事業継続戦略オプションと「お互い様BC 連携」について報告した.具体的には,これまで取り組まれてきた企業による事業継続戦略のほか,昨今の事業環境の変化にうまく対応できると考えられる戦略を考察し,これらの戦略オプションについて企業規模,業種および発生事象に応じた整理を行った.さらに,戦略オプションとして「お互い様BC 連携」に着目し,その概要を述べた上で,マッチングの要件について考察を行った., This paper aims to introduce a variety of business continuity options including a business partnership for business continuity (BC) to promote the BC efforts by small and medium-sized enterprises in Japan. It examines BC options that have been ever pursued by companies and that can be responded to recent changes in business environment and organizes the BC options according to the company size, the types of industry and incident. Then, it takes up a business partnership for BC and describes its outline and actual efforts. Finally, it considers the requirements to meet this strategy.}, pages = {15--24}, title = {企業の事業継続戦略オプションと「お互い様BC 連携」の考察}, year = {2023}, yomi = {チバ, ヨウヘイ and ナガマツ, シンゴ and ホソツボ, シンジ} }