@article{oai:nied-repo.bosai.go.jp:00006444, author = {河又, 洋介 and KAWAMATA, Yosuke and 戸次, 浩之 and BEKKI, Hiroyuki and 宮島, 昌克 and MIYAJIMA, Masakatsu and 藤井, 健太 and FUJII, Kenta and 下中, 康史 and SHIMONAKA, Yasushi and 斎藤, 喜久雄 and SAITO, Kikuo}, issue = {496}, journal = {防災科学技術研究所研究資料, Technical Note of the National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience}, month = {Oct}, note = {現在の日本の上水道普及率は98%を超えており,国民の社会経済活動に必要不可欠なライフラインの1つとなっている.しかしながら,近年,大規模な地震が発生するたびに,ライフラインである水道管が損傷し,周辺地域が断水する被害が発生している.代表的な導送配水管被害として,ダクタイル鉄管の継手部離脱によるものが約7割を占めている.一方,耐震継手ダクタイル鉄管の被害はほとんどなく,地震時の詳細な挙動や定量的な性能評価は為されていないものの,耐震継手の耐震性能は実証されている.そこで,管および継手の挙動を定量的に評価することを目的とした大型振動台実験を実施した.実物大のダクタイル鉄管の水道管路を埋設した斜面に地震動を加えて,斜面を崩壊させることで,継手部周辺に大きな地盤変位を作用させた.その結果,耐震補強金具および耐震継ぎ輪の耐震補強効果を実証し,耐震補強の重要性を明らかにすることができた., Currently, the spread rate of water and sewage in Japan is over 98%, making it one of the most essential lifelines for the socioeconomic activities. However, in recent years, every time a major earthquake occurred, water pipes were damaged, causing water outages in the surrounding areas. Typical damage to water pipelines was caused by the detachment of ductile iron pipe joints, which accounts for about 70% of the damage. On the other hand, damage to ductile iron pipes with seismically reinforced joints was quite rare, and although their detailed behavior and seismic performance have not been evaluated quantitively, the seismic performance of the reinforced joints has been proved well. Therefore, a large shaking table experiment was conducted for quantitative evaluation of pipes and joints. Seismic motion was applied to input large ground displacement around the joint by causing significant slope collapse. As a result, the seismic reinforcement effect of the seismic reinforcement fittings and seismic joint rings was demonstrated, and the importance of seismic reinforcement was clarified.}, pages = {1--50}, title = {水道管路の耐震補強継手の大型振動台実験-地震直後の都市機能維持とレジリエンス向上を目指した性能検証-}, year = {2023}, yomi = {カワマタ, ヨウスケ and トツギ, ヒロユキ and ミヤジマ, マサカツ and フジイ, ケンタ and シモナカ, ヤスシ and サイトウ, キクオ} }