@article{oai:nied-repo.bosai.go.jp:00006518, author = {横山, 仁 and YOKOYAMA, Hitoshi and 鈴木, 真一 and SUZIKI, Shin-ichi and 出世, ゆかり and SHUSSE, Yukari and 安達, 聖 and ADACHI, Satoru and 岩波, 越 and IWANAMI, Koyuru}, issue = {88}, journal = {防災科学技術研究所 研究報告, Report of the National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience}, month = {Dec}, note = {近年のひょう害を例とした極端気象による農業被害対策について検討した.概要は以下の通りである.(1)現地調査を行った3 つのひょう害事例について,聞き取りや「ふるリポ!」の情報等をもとに実態を整理した.(2)現時点における農業現場が求める降ひょう情報は,病害等二次的被害の軽減や被害調査の迅速化に活用できる「このあたりで降ったようだ」といったような降ひょうの実態情報であると考えられた.(3)近年の降ひょう分布の実態を改めて調査する必要があると考えられた.(4)農村地域での降ひょう実態の把握に,マルチフィルムの被害痕解析の有効性が示唆され,「ふるリポ!」や聞き取り情報と組み合わせることによって,X バンドMP レーダを用いた降ひょう推定の高精度化に対し有効なデータになると考えられた.(5)最新の対策技術だけでなく,地域の地理的特性の理解や保険加入といった農業者側の対策も,ひょう害をはじめとした農業気象災害リスクの軽減には必要であろう., We examined measures for mitigating against agricultural damage caused by extreme weather events using recent cases of hail damage as an example. The characteristics of three cases of damage by hail were surveyed in the field and summarized by interviews and information collected by a weather reporting system called "FuruRipo!" that has been developed by NIED. It was considered that assessing the hailfall distribution immediately after storm events at affected agricultural sites is more effective than hailfall forecasts, which have not yet been fully developed and which may be difficult for farmers to utilize. The effectiveness of mulch film damage analysis was suggested for understanding the actual characteristics of hailstorms in rural areas. It is considered that the data collected using the "FuruRipo!" system, in conjunction with X-band MP radar and interview survey, will be effective for improving the accuracy of hailfall events. In order to reduce the risk of agro-meteorological disasters, it is necessary to implement not only the latest technological countermeasures, but also measures that can be adopted by farmers themselves, such as understanding the geographical characteristics of an area and taking out insurance.}, pages = {45--58}, title = {近年のひょう害を例とした極端気象による農業被害対策に関する考察}, year = {2023}, yomi = {ヨコヤマ, ヒトシ and スズキ, シンイチ and シュッセ, ユカリ and アダチ, サトル and イワナミ, コユル} }