@article{oai:nied-repo.bosai.go.jp:00006539, author = {冨樫, 数馬 and TOGASHI, Kazuma and 荒川, 逸人 and ARAKAWA, Hayato and 田邊, 章洋 and TANABE, Takahiro and 鈴木, 紘一 and SUZUKI, Kouichi and 安達, 聖 and ADACHI, Satoru and 佐藤, 研吾 and SATOU, Kengo and 小杉, 健二 and KOSUGI, Kenji and 根本, 征樹 and NEMOTO, Masaki}, issue = {499}, journal = {防災科学技術研究所研究資料, Technical Note of the National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience}, month = {Feb}, note = {2022 年11 月から2023 年4 月までの冬期間,防災科学技術研究所雪氷防災研究センター新庄雪氷環境実験所(山形県新庄市十日町高壇1400)で行った気象観測,降積雪観測および積雪断面観測の結果を報告した.収録項目は以下の通りである.気象観測では,毎日の風速,風向,気温,湿度,地温,日射量,放射量,降水量である.降積雪観測では,毎日の天気,積雪深,積雪相当水量,積雪全層密度,新積雪深,新積雪密度および地下浸透量である.また,積雪断面観測では,10 日毎の雪質,雪温,密度,硬度および含水率である., Meteorological observations, snowfall and snow cover observations, and snow pit observations were carried out at the Shinjo Cryospheric Environment Laboratory, Snow and Ice Research Center, NIED in the winter season from 2021 to 2022. The observation site (140°18’43” E, 38°47’25” N, 127 m a. s. l.) is located in a basin 50 km away from the Sea of Japan. This report contains the following data: 1. Meteorological observations: wind speed, wind direction, air temperature, humidity, soil temperature, global solar radiation, long wave radiation, and precipitation. 2. Snowfall and snow cover observations: weather condition, depth and water equivalent of snow cover, depth and density of daily new snowfall, and infiltration water into the ground. 3. Snow pit observations: snow type, grain size, temperature, density, water content and hardness.}, pages = {1--45}, title = {新庄における気象と降積雪の観測(2022/23年冬期)}, year = {2024}, yomi = {トガシ, カズマ and アラカワ, ハヤト and タナベ, タカヒロ and スズキ, コウイチ and アダチ, サトル and サトウ, ケンゴ and コスギ, ケンジ and ネモト, マサキ} }