@misc{oai:nied-repo.bosai.go.jp:00006813, author = {防災科学技術研究所 and National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience}, month = {2024-10-15}, note = {防災科研南海トラフ海底地震津波観測網N-netは、地震計と水圧計が一体となった観測装置を海底ケーブルで接続し、これを高知県沖から日向灘に至る海域に設置し、リアルタイムに24時間連続で観測データを取得します。観測装置は36カ所に設置し、ケーブル全長は約1,640kmになります。整備が完了した18点のデータを公開しています。 観測網概要  http://www.seafloor.bosai.go.jp/N-net/ 観測点情報  http://www.seafloor.bosai.go.jp/st_info/, NIED N-net (Nankai Trough Seafloor Observation Network for Earthquakes and Tsunamis) is an ocean bottom observation network consisting of 36 observation units from off the coast of Kochi Prefecture to Hyuganada Sea. Each unit contains seismometers and water pressure gauges to observe offshore earthquakes and tsunamis. All the data is transmitted to the land stations by fiber-optic cable and arrives at NIED in real time. The data from the 18 observation units that have completed construction is available. Station Locations (Japanese website)  http://www.seafloor.bosai.go.jp/st_info/, 観測期間:2024/7/1-継続中(沖合システム), Observation period: July 1st, 2024-Present (Offshore system), 問い合わせ先 contact https://hinetwww11.bosai.go.jp/nied/contact_us/}, title = {防災科研N-net}, year = {}, yomi = {ボウサイカガクギジュツケンキュウショ} }