@article{oai:nied-repo.bosai.go.jp:00000739, author = {内山 庄一郎}, issue = {53}, journal = {主要災害調査, National Disaster Research Report}, month = {Mar}, note = {災害対応の初期フェイズの早期完了は,地域社会や住民生活の速やかな回復において重要であり,そのための技術の社会実装は喫緊の課題である.本研究では,災害対応初期フェイズにおける無人航空機の活用方法を実証的に明らかにすべく,平成30年7月豪雨において,捜索支援地図の作成と提供を行った.これにより,次の結論を得た.(1)無人航空機の活用には,意思決定に利用できる情報の能動的な判読,すなわちインテリジェンスの抽出が求められる.(2)災害現場において,無人航空機は低コスト,簡便,迅速かつ空間分解能が高い,実用的な情報取得手段である.(3)捜索支援地図の活用には,情報の現場展開の迅速性が重要であり,これを阻害する要因の解消が必要である.無人航空機の配備がインテリジェンス抽出の技能の普及よりも先行する中で,「飛ばせる,その先へ」を意識した,空間情報活用の知識の体系化と普及に向けた取り組みの実践が求められる. In the southern parts of Hiroshima Prefecture, over 8,000 debris flows were caused by the heavy rain event of July 2018. These led to extensive casualties and other damage. In this study, I created and provided a support map for search and rescue (SM-SAR) to show how unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) can be effectively used in disaster response. The following conclusions were obtained. (1) The utilization of UAVs requires the extraction of intelligence by means of map interpretation by the user. Intelligence in this context means effective information, not raw data, that allows decisions tobe made in disaster response. This indicated that the utilization of UAVs in disaster response requires skill in handling spatial information as well as in flying UAVs. (2) UAVs are the best tool for information acquisition on the front lines. The information acquired by UAVs is attainable at low cost, easily, quickly, and in high resolution. At present, it is difficult for satellites and aircraft to completely meet the needs that UAVs can. (3) SM-SAR effectively supports decision-making for search and rescue, but the promptitude of its deployment of information on the site is important. Bottlenecks exist at each step, from accessing the site to photographing and creating maps and distributing them; it is necessary to devise measures to address these issues. The deployment of UAVs is progressing, but it remains limited; utilization methods have not caught up to the state of the art. It is necessary to diffuse knowledge about this means of support.}, pages = {175--189}, title = {災害対応の初期フェイズにおける無人航空機の活用-平成30年7月豪雨における広島県での捜索支援地図の作成事例-}, year = {2020}, yomi = {ウチヤマ ショウイチロウ} }