@article{oai:nied-repo.bosai.go.jp:00000743, author = {前坂 剛}, issue = {53}, journal = {主要災害調査, National Disaster Research Report}, month = {Mar}, note = {平成30年7月豪雨期間中におけるXRAINによる積算雨量を気象庁解析雨量と比較し,XRAINデータの系統的なバイアス特性を明らかにした.XRAINによる解析はレーダーから遠い山間部で過小評価を示し,特に四国西部と岐阜県において顕著であった.現在,新しいC バンドMP レーダーが西部四国で運用を開始したため,その定量的推定は改善していると思われる.また,岐阜県北部のレーダー遮蔽域にはX バンドレーダーの設置が有効であろう.一方,岡山県南部ではXRAIN は弱い過大評価を示した.これは常山レーダーの短パルス域・長パルス域の境界や,熊山周辺のグランドクラッタ付近における過大な減衰補正によるものである. This work briefly discussed the line-shaped convective systems observed during the Heavy Rain Event of July 2018. During this event, extremely heavy rainfall occurred and many line-shaped convective systems were observed over wide areas of Japan from June 28 to July 8, 2018. The accumulated rainfall derived from the lineshaped convective systems with respect to the total rainfall from June 28 to July 8, 2018 was more than 20% in some areas in the eleven prefectures where heavy rain Emergency Warnings were issued. In this paper, we reveal that the continuous or intermittent nature of the appearance of line-shaped convective systems in an area brings heavy rainfall, which plays an important role to lead to the issuing of heavy rain Emergency warnings.}, pages = {49--58}, title = {平成30年7月豪雨における国土交通省XRAINによる積算雨量}, year = {2020}, yomi = {マエサカ タケシ} }