@article{oai:nied-repo.bosai.go.jp:00000744, author = {平野 洪賓}, issue = {53}, journal = {主要災害調査, National Disaster Research Report}, month = {Mar}, note = {災害の起こりやすさを示す相対的な指標を調査するために,レーダ・アメダス解析雨量および国土交通省XRAINで観測された平成30年7月豪雨期間中における様々な雨量に対して,気象庁解析雨量過去データ(1989年~2016年)に基づいて推定した確率分布関数を用いて再現期間の空間分布を算出した.最大雨量よりも再現期間のほうが災害発生地域との対応性が高く,降雨の「希さ」がより災害の起こりやすさを表す可能性を示唆した.今後災害の種類と雨量の特徴を明らかにするためにはさらなる詳細な調査が必要であり,再現期間の推定精度を評価する検証を行う必要もある. This paper examines the relationship between the return period of accumulated rainfall and the disaster-hit region during the Heavy Rain Event of July 2018 in Japan. The probability distribution functions fitting based on the Radar-AMeDAS composite precipitation obtained from 1989 to 2016, and the optimum formula and parameters were determined from the standard least-squares criterion and the stability for each 5 km grid. The determined functions were applied to calculate the return period of four kinds of maximum accumulated rainfall and two kinds of maximum effective rainfall parameters during the period of this event. It is found that the areas where landslide and flooding disasters occurred were more consistent with those showing high return period values, whereas not with maximum rainfall parameters. These results suggest that it might be possible to use the frequency analysis for the disaster risk management.}, pages = {59--66}, title = {平成30年7月豪雨における降雨の再現期間と災害発生の関係}, year = {2020}, yomi = {ヒラノ コウヒン} }