@article{oai:nied-repo.bosai.go.jp:00000764, author = {鈴木 亘 and 青井 真 and 関口 春子 and 功刀 卓}, issue = {84}, journal = {防災科学技術研究所 研究報告, Report of the National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience}, month = {Jan}, note = {2011年東北地方太平洋沖地震(MJMA9.0)に引き続いて震源域の北端および南端においてMJMA7.4とMJMA7.6の2つの大きな余震が発生した.本研究では本震および2つのM7級余震について断層面を適切に表現するため曲面断層モデルを構築し,防災科学技術研究所の強震観測網K-NETおよびKiK-netの強震波形記録を用いて震源破壊過程を推定した.本震については,浅い領域での長時間に及ぶ非常に大きなすべり,深い領域での繰り返しの破壊,南部への遅い破壊伝播など複雑な破壊過程が見られた.一方,2つの余震の震源破壊過程は時空間的に比較的単純な結果が得られた.推定された3地震のすべり分布,逆断層型地震の発生位置および微動・超低周波地震の発生位置は相補的であった.過去90年程度の地震と比較すると,岩手県沖の余震は数十年ごとに繰り返している地震の1つと考えられるが,茨城県沖の余震はこの領域で最も規模の大きい地震であった.; The MJMA9.0 Tohoku-Oki mega-thrust earthquake was followed by two large interplate earthquakes (MJMA7.4 and 7.6) that occurred around the northern and southern ends of the mainshock source area within 30 min. We derived the rupture processes of the mainshock and the two M7-class aftershocks using the K-NET and KiK-net strong-motion waveform data. A curved fault model for each event was constructed from the geometry of the upper surface of the Pacific plate. The mainshock analysis revealed a complex rupture with a very large slip and a long duration in the shallow part, repeated repeated rupture events in the deeper part, and slow southern rupture propagation. Meanwhile, the rupture processes of the two M7- class aftershocks were relatively simple in space and time. The slip areas of the mainshock, the two large aftershocks, the locations of the thrust-type earthquakes and the slow earthquakes (tectonic tremors and very-low-frequency earthquakes) were complementary. The northern one of the two large aftershocks occurred in the region where previous earthquakes with similar magnitudes had occurred, whereas the southern one was the largest earthquake in the region and no large earthquake had evidently ruptured its large slip area in the past approximately nine decades.}, pages = {1--16}, title = {曲面断層モデルを用いた2011年東北地方太平洋沖地震および2つのM7級余震の震源破壊過程の推定}, year = {2020}, yomi = {スズキ ワタル and アオイ シン and セキグチ ハルコ and クヌギ タカシ} }