@article{oai:nied-repo.bosai.go.jp:00000765, author = {内山 庄一郎 and 梅岡 康成 and 奥村 英樹 and 勝俣 喜一朗 and 城 純子 and 谷 真斗 and 出口 弘汰 and 三澤 努 and 南 政樹 and 我田 友史}, issue = {84}, journal = {防災科学技術研究所 研究報告, Report of the National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience}, month = {Apr}, note = {広島県の神石高原町において,地産地防プロジェクトを実施した.地元町民の担い手による自律的なドローン運航を目指した実証実験として,災害直後の状況把握および物資配送に関するトレーニングを行った.状況把握では,オルソ画像を自動作成するクラウドサービスDroneDeploy,および独自に開発した比較アプリへのオルソ画像のアップロードにより,災害前後のオルソ画像の比較,および災害現場から役場への情報共有を実現した.物資配送は,急峻な地形による電波途絶環境で実施した.2チームの操縦者と電波中継ドローンとを利用することで,目視外・電波通信範囲外の2地点間で物資配送を行った.今後の展開として,ドローンの日常化に向けた活動を提案した.防災訓練でのドローン運航の実践や,担い手による状況把握を町の防災スキームへ組み込むなど,町と担い手が連携して,実用的なドローン活用体制を作っていく必要がある., The “Chisan-chibou” project was implemented in Jinsekikogen Town in Hiroshima Prefecture. The aim of this project is drone operation by local townspeople. Five townspeople underwent drone operation training. The five trained operators conducted two demonstrations, a disaster situation awareness demonstration as an initial disaster response and a material delivery demonstration. In the disaster situation awareness demonstration, orthographic images were created with DroneDeploy, and the images were uploaded to a comparison application developed independently as part of the project. As a result, it was possible to compare ortho-images obtained before and after a disaster and share information obtained from the disaster site with the town hall. The delivery was conducted in an environment where radio waves were blocked due to the steep terrain. A drone equipped with a radio repeater was used in environments that were unreachable by radio waves. As a future development, we have proposed activities involving the daily use of drones. Namely the implementation of disaster prevention drills using drones and the incorporation of initial disaster situation awareness into disaster response schemes in the town. The town and the operators must cooperate and create a system that can function in the real world.}, pages = {17--30}, title = {ドローンを用いた災害初動体制の確立 -神石高原町における地産地防プロジェクトの取り組み-}, year = {2020}, yomi = {ウチヤマ ショウイチロウ and ウメオカ ヤスナリ and オクムラ ヒデキ and カツマタ キイチロウ and ジョウ ジュンコ and タニ マサト and デグチ コウタ and ミサワ ツトム and ミナミ マサキ and ワガタ トモシ} }