@article{oai:nied-repo.bosai.go.jp:00000780, author = {平野 洪賓 and P.C Shakti and 飯塚 聡}, issue = {58}, journal = {主要災害調査, Natural Disaster Research Report}, month = {Jan}, note = {令和元年東日本台風(台風第19 号)が関東甲信地方,東北地方を中心に広い範囲で記録的な大雨をもたらした.この豪雨により,茨城県の那珂川と久慈川を含み,国もしくは県管理合わせて70 以上の河川で,堤防決壊が140 箇所以上も発生した.我々は那珂川沿岸の水戸市飯富町・渡里町周辺と久慈川沿岸の松栄町周辺に注目して,SNS に投稿された写真を利用した浸水域即時推定を行い,推定結果を確認する現地調査と実施した.本稿は浸水推定と現地調査の結果について報告する. A record-breaking heavy rainfall caused by Typhoon Hagibis 2019 struck the Kanto and Tohoku areas, Japan, in October 2019. Due to this rainfall, a total of more than 70 rivers overflowed and breached their embankments at more than 140 places, including the Naka River and the Kuji River in Ibaraki prefecture. Among the vast disasteraffected areas, we focused on the inundation around the Iitomi-Machi / Watari-Machi (Mito City) along the Naka River, and around the Matsuei-Machi (Hitachiota City) area along the Kuji River; estimated the flood depth in these areas base on the two photos shared on SNS right after the flood, and conducted a field investigation to compare the estimated flood depth. It is found that the estimated depth is in good agreement with the actual flood depth.}, pages = {53--58}, title = {令和元年東日本台風における水戸市および常陸太田市の浸水推定と調査報告}, year = {2022}, yomi = {ヒラノ コウヒン and ピーシ シャクティ and イイヅカ サトシ} }