@article{oai:nied-repo.bosai.go.jp:00000782, author = {中村 洋一 and 鈴木 美香 and 棚田 俊收}, issue = {85}, journal = {防災科学技術研究所 研究報告, Report of the National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience}, month = {Mar}, note = {那須岳は首都東京から約150 km 北に位置する活火山である.那須岳の1408–1410 年噴火では,融雪型火山泥流により約180 名の犠牲者などを出した記録がある.那須岳地域での噴火イベントツリー・噴火シナリオ作成と火山災害のリスク評価を実施した.山頂から約10–20 km に位置する多数の宿泊施設が分布する地域は,火山防災マップで火砕流や火山泥流の想定分布地域でもあり,高いリスク値がリスク評価の結果で算出された.今回のリスク評価の結果をふまえて,毎年約500 万人の観光客が訪れる那須岳地域においては,減災効果のある防災体制の早急な構築の必要性が示唆された., Nasu volcano is an active volcano located in approximate 150 km north from capital city Tokyo. According to historic records, a huge lahar, i.e. volcanic mudflow, due to the melted snow, was to cause more than 180 casualties during the 1408–1410 eruption of Nasu volcano. In order to consider volcanic disaster mitigation, hazards riskassessments are conducted in the Nasu volcano area. The assessment results have clearly shown that the dense zone of tourist hotels, 10–20 km far from the summit, is very high-risk area of pyroclastic flows and lahars assumed by published hazard maps. As refereeing the present evaluation of event-tree diagram and risk-assessment results, the effective evacuation system is urgently required for over five million of visiting tourists before the future eruption of Nasu volcano.}, pages = {59--74}, title = {那須岳地域の新たな火山防災に向けて –噴火シナリオとリスク評価の検証結果から–}, year = {2021}, yomi = {ナカムラ ヨウイチ and スズキ ミカ and タナダ トシカズ} }