@article{oai:nied-repo.bosai.go.jp:00000785, author = {大角 恒雄 and 水井 良暢 and 池田 真幸 and 松原 仁}, issue = {59}, journal = {主要災害調査, Natural Disaster Research Report}, month = {Jan}, note = {2021年福島県沖の地震にて松川浦大橋東側では,海岸段丘を利用した道路法面が崩壊した.この地点は2011年東北地方太平洋沖地震においても松川浦大橋西側で崩壊が生じている.筆者らは,当該崩壊面が褐色に変色していることに着目し,層理面には多くの微生物が蔓延っている状態で,今回の地震をきっかけに法面崩壊が生じたと考え,サンプリングを行った.崩壊面の褐色部には硫黄化合物の存在が観察されたため,その場所に多くの原核生物が生息していることを意味する.したがって,微生物が岩の崩落に関わっている可能性は高いとの見地を得た.宮城県沖の地震によって住宅被害が発生した新地町においても,住宅被害と法面の状況との関係を調査した.また,3月20日の宮城県沖の地震に遭遇したため,塩釜崩壊地点調査結果を示す. The road slope on a coastal terrace on the east side of Matsukawaura-Ohhashi collapsed during the 2021 Fukushima Offshore Earthquake (February 13, 2021, magnitude M7.3) where the west side also collapsed in the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake. Many microorganisms were found to be habitable due to the color change from light brown to dark brown on the collapsed surface. In this study, some rocks were sampled from the collapsed surface and other surfaces and investigated their microstructures and element maps. The existence of the sulfur compound was observed in brown parts of collapsed surface. This means that many prokaryotes inhabit the place. Therefore, we obtained a standpoint that a microbe was more likely to affect collapse. Additionally, we investigated the relationship between damage to housing and slope conditions in Shinchi Town, where housing was damaged during the earthquake. Coincidentally, we encountered the 2021 Miyagi Offshore Earthquake (March 20, M6.9) during the field investigations, so that we also investigated the state of damage at Shiogama, We report the findings of the additional field survey.}, pages = {29--40}, title = {2021年に発生した地震による災害調査報告(2021年3月20日~23日):松川浦,新地町(2月福島県沖の地震)および相馬市・新地町・山元町・塩竈市(3月宮城県沖の地震)}, year = {2022}, yomi = {オオスミ ツネオ and ミズイ ヨシノブ and イケダ マサキ and マツバラ ヒトシ} }