@article{oai:nied-repo.bosai.go.jp:00000798, author = {鈴木 比奈子 and 水井 良暢 and 三浦 伸也}, issue = {60}, journal = {主要災害調査, Natural Disaster Research Report}, month = {Aug}, note = {令和2年7月豪雨は,熊本県や岐阜県など7県で特別警報が発令され,熊本県では球磨川が氾濫するなど,日本各地で被害が出た.岐阜県北東部では,岐阜県高山市の国道158号で道路沿いでの斜面崩壊や下呂市の国道41号沿いでは,家屋被害や道路・護岸被害が発生した.災害事例データベースから,下呂市小坂町における過去の類似災害を調査した.その結果,1958年7月の災害が降水の推移や洪水の状況から,最も類似性が高く,また被害も大きかったことが分かった.下呂市小坂町での災害間隔頻度は不明だが,60年前と類似の災害が今回も発生したと考えられる., The Heavy Rain Event of July 2020 caused damage throughout Japan, with special warnings issued in seven prefectures, including Kumamoto and Gifu prefectures, and the Kuma River overflowed in Kumamoto Prefecture.In Northeastern Gifu Prefecture, slope collapse along a road on National Route 158 in Takayama City, Gifu Prefecture, and damage to houses, roads and river embankments along National Route 41 in Gero City occurred. We investigated similar disasters in the past in Osaka-cho, Gero City, from the database of disaster cases and found that the disaster in July 1958 was the most similar and also the most damaging in terms of precipitation trends and flooding conditions. Although the frequency of disasters in Kosaka-cho, Gero City, is unknown, it is thought that the disaster this time was similar to the one in 1958.}, pages = {123--146}, title = {岐阜県北東部における令和2年7月豪雨被害調査および下呂市の過去の風水害記録と類似性}, year = {2022}, yomi = {スズキ ヒナコ and ミズイ ヨシノブ and ミウラ シンヤ} }