@article{oai:nied-repo.bosai.go.jp:00000800, author = {若月 強 and 島田 真紀子 and 山本 信良 and 遠藤 悠一 and 大森 想 and 尾原 健太 and 秋田 寛己 and 檀上 徹 and 佐藤 昌人}, issue = {60}, journal = {主要災害調査, Natural Disaster Research Report}, month = {Aug, Aug}, note = {令和2 年(2020 年)7 月豪雨における熊本県南西部の土砂災害に対して,衛星画像判読により土砂移動分布図を作成し,いくつかの崩壊地の岩石・土層物性を計測した.その結果,小起伏山地である調査地域の西部と大起伏山地である東部における斜面変動の発生頻度の差異は比較的小さいことが明らかになった.これは,西部と東部の地質の差異は小さいが,災害時の降雨量は東部より西部の方が多かったためと考えられる.また,秩父帯と四万十帯を比較した場合および,秩父帯内や四万十帯内で比較した場合も,岩質ごとの斜面変動の発生頻度の差異は比較的少なかった.秩父帯に関しては,メランジ混在岩と整然層砂岩の土層物性(膨潤性粘土鉱物をほぼ含まない透水性の低い粘性土)が類似していることがこの一因と考えられた.肥薩火山岩類と黒瀬川帯の超苦鉄質岩の地域は,今回雨量が少なかったため秩父帯や四万十帯よりも崩壊頻度は小さかった.しかし,土層は膨潤性粘土鉱物(スメクタイト・ハロイサイト)を含む透水性の低い粘性土であるため,豪雨によって斜面変動は比較的発生しやすいと考えられる., Serious slope disasters were induced by heavy rainfall on July 2020 in the southwestern part of Kumamoto prefecture. The distribution of slope movements (e.g. slope failure, debris flow) was investigated by developing a trace map of sediment movements by satellite image interpretation, and rock and soil properties for some slope failures were examined. As results, the difference in frequency of slope movements was small between on western part consisting of low-relief mountains and on eastern part consisting of high-relief mountains in the study area. This is thought to be because the amount of rainfall during the disaster were larger in the western part than in the eastern part although geologies are similar. The difference in frequency of slope movements for each geology was also small between the Chichibu Terrane and the Shimanto Terrane, within the Chichibu Terrane and within the Shimanto Terrane. For within the Chichibu Terrace, this is partly because of the similar soil properties (lowpermeable cohesive soil with non-swelling clay minerals) of both the melange mixed rock and coherent facies sandstone. Slope movements were infrequent because of small amount of rainfall in the areas of the Hisatsu volcanic rocks and the ultramafic rocks in the Kurosegawa Terrane. However, slope movements seem to occur easily because the soil layers contain low-permeable cohesive soil with swelling clay minerals (smectite and/or halloysite) in the slopes underlain by these rocks.}, pages = {169--192}, title = {令和2年(2020年)7月豪雨による熊本県南西部の土砂移動分布図の作成といくつかの斜面崩壊地の岩石・土層物性の調査}, year = {2022, 2022}, yomi = {ワカツキ ツヨシ and シマダ マキコ and ヤマモト ノブヨシ and エンドウ ユウイチ and オオモリ ココロ and オハラ ケンタ and アキタ ヒロミ and ダンジョウ トオル and サトウ マサト} }