@article{oai:nied-repo.bosai.go.jp:00000802, author = {若月 強 and 秋田 寛己 and 島田 真紀子 and 山本 信良 and 佐藤 昌人}, issue = {60}, journal = {主要災害調査, Natural Disaster Research Report}, month = {Sep}, note = {令和2年(2020年)7月豪雨における岐阜県高山市南部から下呂市北部の土砂災害に対して,いくつかの崩壊地の岩石・土層物性を計測して,雨量・地質・物性と斜面変動分布との関係を検討した.その結果,本災害は比較的少ない雨が長時間降り続く降雨継続型の特徴を示した.玄武岩斜面では,膨潤性粘土鉱物のハロイサイトを多く含み,含水時のせん断強度定数(c,φ)が著しく小さいと考えられる粘性土からなるすべり面土層が形成されていたため,斜面崩壊が多数発生したと推察された.花崗閃緑斑岩では,膨潤性粘土鉱物をほとんど含まず,透水性が大きくて流動化しやすくせん断強度定数(特にc)が小さいと考えられる粗粒のマサ土からなるすべり面土層が形成されていたため,斜面崩壊や土石流が多数発生したと推察された.一方,流紋デイサイト溶結凝灰岩斜面では,膨潤性粘土鉱物をほとんど含まず,せん断強度定数(特にc)が大きいと考えられる細粒のマサ土からなるすべり面土層が形成されていたため,斜面変動の発生頻度が小さかったと推察された., Rock and soil properties were investigated for some slope failures induced by heavy rainfall on July 2020 in Takayama and Gero cities, Gifu prefecture, and relationship between distribution of slope movements and rainfall amount, geology and rock and soil properties was examined. As results, many slope failures occurred on basalt slopes because of soil layer in the slip plane consisting of cohesive soil, which contains a large amount of swelling clay mineral of halloysite and is considered to have a significantly small shear-resistance parameters (c, φ ). Many slope failures and debris flows occurred on granodiorite porphyry slopes because of soil layer in the slip plane consisting of coarse-grained grus, which contains mainly non-swelling clay minerals and is considered to have highpermeability, small shear-resistance parameters (especially, c) and high-fluidity. On the other hand, a small amount of slope movements occurred on rhyodacite welded tuff slopes because of soil layer in the slip plane consisting of low-permeable, fine-grained grus, which contains mainly non-swelling clay minerals and is considered to have large shear-resistance parameters (especially, c).}, pages = {193--212}, title = {令和2年(2020年)7月豪雨による岐阜県高山市・下呂市のいくつかの斜面崩壊地の岩石・土層物性と斜面変動分布との関係}, year = {2022}, yomi = {ワカツキ ツヨシ and アキタ ヒロミ and シマダ マキコ and ヤマモト ノブヨシ and サトウ マサト} }